Villages & Farms
- Farm names not included in the parish records of 1855–1861
- Uppbygge
- Norrgård
- Mittbygge
- Södergård
- Norrgård
- Ostergård
- Sodergård
- Westergård
- Nattbohl
- Östergård
- Andersstuga
- Westergrannas
- Westergård
- Nattbohl
- Öster Bygge
- Öster Lassa
- Wester Lassa
- Nybondas
- Unga Klockars
- Risars
- Grops
- Backa
- Gamla Klockars
- Bergs
- Knuts
- Stomta
- Södergård
- Westerbygge
- Westerbygge
- Klemets
- Söders
- Mellangård
- Uppbygge
- Skans
- Nattbohl
- Söders
- Lillbacka
- Gamlas
- Gris
- Örså
- Stor Ers
- Stor Backa
- Nybyggars
- Lill Ers
- Ollas
- Lövö
- Nästgård eller Bergas
- Östergård
- Mellangård
- Westergård
- Nattbohl, Bergs
- Östers
- Kristers
- Tyskas eller Smeds
- Lassas
- Backa
- Nattbohl
- Söders
- Spaks
- Nissa
- Uppbygge
- Uppbygge eller Båtvik
- Thomasa
- Monosa
- Michelsa
- Norrbygge
- Backa
- Wedaholm
- Farm names not included in the parish records of 1855–1861
- Farm names not included in the parish records of 1855–1861
- Nattbohl, Tunhamn
- Pella
- Klints
- Mårds
- Bergs
- Skräddars
- Stens
- Westerby
- Farm names not included in the parish records of 1855–1861
Parish History
- Hitis was a chapel under the Kimito parish from 1674 to 1861
- Since 1695, Hitis provided a home for a shared chaplain
- Hitis had its own permanent resident archipelago chaplain starting in 1706
- Hitis became an independent parish in 1861
- Hitis Church, https://www.visitkimitoon.fi/en/see-do/sights/churches/31-hitis-church
- Hitis Church, https://www.kimitoonsforsamling.fi/kyrkor-och-lokaler/kyrkor/hitis-kyrka/hitis-kyrka-historik
- Hitis Church image, https://www.kimitoonsforsamling.fi/kyrkor-och-lokaler/kyrkor/hitis-kyrka Permission to print granted by Kimitoon forsamling office on 08.10.2020.
- Hitis Folk Dress, https://www.brage.fi/sve/draktbyra/draktbyran/folkdrakter/view-163648-42
- Hitis Parish, Genealogical Society of Finland, HisKi project, http://hiski.genealogia.fi/hiski/aal8tv?en+0091
- Hitis Parish Communion Records of 1855-1861, https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/index_eng.htm
- Hitis Parish Communion Records of 1855-1861, https://wsukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/HisKi-digiarkisto.php?bid=12219