Submit Swedish Finn Emigrant Data

Documenting every emigrant database

With your help, we’re one step closer to achieving our mission of documenting every Swedish Finn emigrant.

Thank you for your participation!

Submit Your Ancestor's Information

Fill out our easy electronic form to add your ancestor to our database! Swedish Finns chain emigrated so make sure to include your ancestors’ siblings, cousins, etc. Don’t worry if you do not have all the facts. Details can be added to their records as your research progresses.

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Encourage Others to Join

The only way SFHS can continue our important work is with help from our members. Please encourage your family members to join and any other Swedish Finns you know. We are a tiny group of people and you are a rarity but together we can preserve our own historical record for our descendants.

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Your contribution will make a meaningful impact
on preserving the legacy of our Swedish Finn ancestors.

Submit Ancestor Information

Documenting Every Emigrant Database

Tell Others about Your Swedish Finn Heritage!

Many descendants of Swedish Finn emigrants believe that their ancestors came from Sweden. Telling your Swedish Finn story can help others experience the connection of knowing their own origin story.

An image of a young Swedish Finn couple in Michigan in the first half of the twentieth century.