Villages & Farms
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Löfdahl
- Ströms
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Hommas
- Majiby Bobäck
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Lill
- Stor
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- See the village of Hirsala
- Smeds
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
Lill Estby
- Uppibacka
- Eskos
Stor Estby
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Grandahl
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Tvära
- Rådick
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Bisa
- Matta
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Maurla
- Nissilä
- Pussila eller Tihlmans
- Seppälä
- Skinnars
- Haapajärvi
- Stor
- Lill
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Bisa
- Jofs
- Knuts
- Hirsala eller Gyllenskär
- Dåvits
- Stor
- Lill
- Honksby
- Gabbeli
- Skrabbers
- Wästergård
- Skrabbers
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Stor och Mellangård
- Stor
- Lill
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Röbergs
- Öfergård
- Nedergård
Lill Kanskog
- Skeppars
- Grållas
Stor Kanskog
- Frisans
- Mellangårds
- Storgårds
- Knaggas
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Boströms
- Siferkulla
- Pietilä och Gryms
- Westerkulla
- Finnes
- Skrobb
- Kornets
- Tallbacka
- Björkbacka
- Lustigkulla
- Berustade
- Nybacka
- Finnes
- Siggurs
- Qvarnby
- Stor Qvis
- Lill Qvis
- Qvis
- Bengtilä
- Lintilä
- Paavola
- Norrkulla
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Stor Raula
- Nummis
- Tengo och Lill Raula
- Nedergård
- Öfvergård
- Herla
- Åitbacka
- Teir
- Peji
- Skåla
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Tina
- Köpas
- Masa
- Bjöns
- Nisniku
- Köpas
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Erlas
- Bro
- Stor
- Lill
- Nedergård
- Östergård
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Nikula
- Antila
- Haapaniemi
- Palomäki
- Sammasto
- Rembas
- Räfvas
- Musikants
- Rembas
- Räfvas
- Musis
- Tull Landet
- Rönnskar
- Öfvergård
- Nedergård
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Stor Qvis
- Lill Qvis
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Barckars
- Henriksberg
- Stolas
- Jussas
- Måsabacka
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Degervik
- Kantvik
- Stor Lots
- Lill Lots
- Hedvigsberg
- Grindbacka
- Braxens
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Öfvergård
- Nedergård
- Carlsberg
- Nybäck
- Village and farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Village and farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Bergeland
- Ramsö
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
- Teir Bassnäs
- Bredvassa
- Lauroi
- Törnroths
- Abras
- Ravals
- Kuusas Ekströms
- Öfvergård
- Nedergård
- Killnas
- Farm names not in the parish records of 1856-1862
Parish Maps
Parish maps from 1840 to 1865 are available on the National Archives of Finland website. Maps are in the public domain. 9 To view the map index, click here.
- To begin exploring maps, scroll down to Kirkkonummi (Finnish name for Kyrsklätt)
- Expand maps to see details
To view a map that shows these villages, see below or click here.
Hitträsk (Hvittrask), Ingels, Ingvaldsby, Kylmälä, Lappböle, Leivosböl, Masaby, Österby, Överkurck, Qvarnby (Kvarnby), Smedsby, Ådbäcka
To view a map that shows these villages, click here.
Biskopsböle, Bondarby, Båtvik, Domvik, Edis, Edö, Friggesby, Getberg, Grundträsk, Gunnarskulla, Hindersby, Junckars, Kantvik, Knopps, Långstrand, Loviselund, Överby, Qvis (Kvis), Skinnars, Smedsede, Sperrings, Stubbans, Tolls, Vårnäs
To view a map that shows these villages, click here.
Böle, Häggesböle, Hila, Järsö, Lill-Kanskog, Munkalla, Näse, Obbnäs, Porkala, Storkansskog
To view a map that shows these villages, click here.
Ådbäck, Abrahmasby, Danskarby, Dåvits, Finnby, Hirsala, Honksby, Karuby, Medvastö, Storms, Thorsvik (Torsvik), Tråskby
Folk Dress
Each parish has a unique folk dress. Parish folk dress can be recognized by its style, colors, and patterns.
Kyrsklätt folk dress photo used with permission of the Brage costume agency. 5
- Kyrsklätt, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirkkonummi
- Kyrsklätt Church, https://www.spottinghistory.com/view/53/kirkkonummi-church/
- Kyrsklätt Church, https://www.kyrkslattsforsamlingar.fi/kyrkor-och-lokaler/kyrkor-och-kapell/sankt-mikaels-kyrka
- Kyrsklätt Church Image, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:KslkaSE.jpg Belfry image, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_church_in_Kirkkonummi,_Finland.jpg
- Kyrsklätt Folk Dress image, Brage costume agency, https://www.brage.fi/sve/draktbyra/draktbyran/folkdrakter/view-163648-26
- Kyrsklätt Parish, Genealogical Society of Finland, HisKi project, http://hiski.genealogia.fi/hiski/fzsriu?en+0205
- Kyrsklätt Parish Communion Records, https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/HisKi-digiarkisto.php?bid=2958
- Kyrsklätt Parish Communion Records, https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/index_sve.htm
- Kyrsklätt Parish Map, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Parish_Atlas_of_Finland_1840%E2%80%931865, scroll down to Kirkkonummi Parish (Finnish name for Kyrsklätt).