Of Interest
Hangö was chosen to be the winter harbor of Finland because the sea was usually free from ice, even in the winter. At first the harbor was used to ship freight, including butter. Then it became a harbor used by Finns to leave the country. The convenience of Hangö harbor was improved when the railway link from Vaasa was finished in 1882 and from Oulo in 1886. It took three days to travel from Oulo to Hangö by train, with the train moving only during the day. It is estimated that about 250,000 Finns travelled through Hangö to North America between the years of 1865 and 1930. 9
Hangö Railway station 1893
Public domain 10
Click on the titles below to see videos from the Hangö Museum. Click ‘Skip Ads’ to move quickly to the videos.
Parish Maps
Parish maps from 1840 to 1865 are available on the National Archives of Finland website. Maps are in the public domain. 8 To view the index, click here. You likely will need to expand maps to see details.
To view a map that shows the following villages, click here.
Bromarv, Håkansarv, Kansjärvi, Kivitok, Kägra, Könick
To view a map that shows the following villages, click here.
Orflax, Padva and Skate
To view a map that shows the following villages, click here.
Revbacka, Söderstrand and Östanberg
To view a map that shows this village, click here.
To view a map that shows the following villages, click here.
Basaböle, Bengstår and Öjby
Attribution: National Archives of Finland, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Villages & Farms
- Wester
- Öster
- Norrgård
- Sodergård
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Nedergård
- Ofvergård
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Backa
- Gunnars
- Norrgård
- Wester eller Nygård
- Östergård
- By
- Tulludd
- Båkland
- f.d. Fästning
- Kapellans Bohl
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Wester
- Öster
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- No farm name listed
- Norrgård
- Pedars
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Westergård
- Östergård
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Domars
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Gård
- Westergård
- Wester
- Öster
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Farm names not listed in parish records of 1857-1863
- Langis
- Norrgård
- Södergård
- Wester
- Öster
- Backa
- Dragons
- Norrgård
- Smeds
- Westergård
- Uddas
- Westergård
- Östergård
- Wester
- Öster
Folk Dress
Each parish has a unique folk dress. Parish folk dress can be recognized by its style, colors, and patterns.
Bromarv folk dress photo used with permission of the Brage costume agency. 4
- Bromarv, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromarv
- Bromarv, https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=sv&u=https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromarv&prev=search&pto=aue
- Bromarv Church image, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bromarv_old_church_pre-1934.jpg
- Bromarv Folk Dress image, Brage costume agency, https://www.brage.fi/sve/draktbyra/draktbyran/folkdrakter/view-163648-1
- Bromarv Parish Communion records, https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/index_sve.htm
- Bromarv Parish Communion records, https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/HisKi-digiarkisto.php?bid=21018
- Bromarv Parish, Genealogical Society of Finland, HisKi project, http://hiski.genealogia.fi/hiski/fyiekh?en+0022
- Bromarv Parish Maps, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Parish_Atlas_of_Finland_1840%E2%80%931865
- Hango, Wall, Marketta, To America, America – Hangö as Port of Departure of Emmigrants, Hangö museums publikationsserie nr 31, ISBN ISSN 0781-9560 Oy Fram Ab Vaasa, 2013
- Hanko railway station, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hanko_railway_station_1893.jpg